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10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. México Time
Cel. (998) 135 9367
How to get?
From Playa del Carmen
Take the 307 highway from Playa del Carmen towards Puerto Morelos, before the Puerto Morelos overpass take the lateral side road on the highway (the right hand lane) and go left under the overpass in U and return up the 307 passing the Pemex gas station and driving about 1 KM to the yellow arch entrance to the Cenote Route. (It says Ruta in wooden letters) turn right up the Cenote Route and drive to KM 16, the entrance of Boca del Puma Eco-Park is on your right hand side. Note: There are wooden Boca del Puma signs at the entrance of the Cenote Route (Ruta de los Cenotes in Spanish) in the KM 11 on the cenote route and also 1 KM before the park entrance.
From Cancun
Take the 307 highway from Cancun city or Hotel Zone to Puerto Morelos, before the Puerto Morelos overpass take the lateral side road on the highway (the right hand lane) and drive past the Pemex gas station about 1 KM to the Yellow arch entrance to the Cenote Route. (It says Ruta in wooden letters) turn right up the Cenote Route and drive to KM 16, the entrance of Boca del Puma Eco-Park is on your right hand side.