We present you the jungle beauty of Boca del Puma

Today we are going to present a place in Puerto Morelos just 15 minutes. It’s called Boca del Puma.

It is a park that is just gaining momentum and that many people still do not know them, they invited us.

We meet two very important people who are called Jesus and Malonie, Jesus is from Puerto Morelos and Malonie is Canadian, they are the owners of the place, those who have done all this and the truth is that they have treated us as divine.

It is also very important to say that Jesus was the person who dedicated himself during 25 years of his life to maintenance and construction of this place on his own, we are going to tell you, imagine you hectares of jungle, one day Jesus went through the jungle He belongs to his community and family so he said he likes the idea of ​​being able to live here in the middle of all this instead and went to build a little house in a tree in the middle of the jungle where there was no pavement, there was no light, there was no water and there he went to live 25 years ago, he was making his way adapting things without damaging the ecology, he is a lover of extreme sports and comes from a family that are the precursors of the production of chewing gum that was sold to the United States, wrapped and then returned to sell it as hot cakes. He was working on all this project took his machete, his shovel and so he was doing the place with his own hands.

You can arrive, ask for a package, with the most complete voucher, you are entitled to everything, you have the right to the truck that takes you into the jungle, then you can visit the chewing gum museum and they tell you about this and then you can get on the ATVs doing a tour of about 3 km where we crashed with a tree, after that you can climb the zip lines that is a circuit of 7 zip lines, the one I liked the most was the penultimate zip line, it’s where you put your head, they told us that all the equipment is suitable to go head first. You get tired but is comfortable because you breathe a warm atmosphere, quiet and then we go to the cenotes. You get out of there and you find 2 cenotes, one underground and one on the ground.

I’m going to tell you in the underground where Martha Higareda recorded the film Casese Quien Pueda, you can see it there in that movie that is a spectacular place and the water is clear, there is an area where there are bats.

Get out there and you eat, everything is organic, they take pictures from everywhere and sell you the photos.

We are going to present you an interview with Jesus in Boca del Puma.

– Interviewer: Hello Jesús Sánchez, how are you?

– Jesus: Very well, welcome here to Boca del Puma.

– Interviewer: Thank you very much Jeśus, tell us how Boca del Puma was born.

– Jesus: Someone told me it was a very crazy idea or a totally intelligent idea.

– Interviewer: Was it crazy or very smart?

– Jesus: At first it was very crazy, then it ended up being intelligent, because of the tendency that now comes to look for the jungle and natural things.

– Interviewer: How many years ago did you start to create Boca del Puma?

– Jesus: We started 25 years ago without having a clear idea, simply for pleasure and the mission that you think you have in life and I started to develop a project that I had in mind, step by step, little by little, as they say Ant work every day.

– Interviewer: What is the first thing you had in your head and how were you modifying it?

– Jesus: In theory I like the jungle, I was born in the jungle, I like to be in the jungle, but the issue was like being here without dying of hunger, then first preserve the jungle because it is a place I admire, I like it, here were my ancestors, families before me and in that sense I felt the natural attraction of being in this jungle.

– Interviewer: How do you come up with the activities, the cenotes as you discover them?

– Jesus: We have always said that we as human beings believe, being in the jungle has taught me that in reality it was not me who created anything, it was the passing of time to be here that the jungle was opening towards me, then he accepted me once and for all and after that I started to see how that compensated that and then the idea was that the person who came to the jungle would leave that energy that he brings from the office, from work or from the city. The jungle absorbed it but there had to be a bit of adrenaline and as I have always been a sportsman, without getting to the dangerous, all sure I realized that the fact of being in open spaces and doing what we were not born for that, for example flying as a natural way of life, having that feeling, climbing, abseiling, leap of faith, the zip line, the same cenote, I was given the key.

– Interviewer: Tell us that story, you arrive here, you build, you open the way. How was that moment when you found the first of the cenotes?

– Jesus: You already saw what the cenotes are like, when you find one the first time, it’s not like that, everything is very rustic, it smells like a viper, it smells like a jaguar, it smells like a puma, and what we did in this case is that manually with a stick with a jamboon to catch little fish or butterflies and a bucket, that’s how we went cleaning the cenotes, so it was very manual and a cenote took us an average of 1 to 6 years and the other 10 years because everything was done to hand, because for us as athletes the natural is fine, but for the people who visit us is not so therefore you had to clean it so it was not so wild because if not people do not stay. It has been an artisanal work because it has been manual, here no machinery has entered. When someone asks what crane was brought, everything was rustic, a lot of ingenuity, a lot of courage and a lot of passion, it’s the way it was made.

– Interviewer: I’m so nice that you’ve been part of films about other artistic issues that have come to you.

– Jesus: Yes. Fortunately I think people feel, they perceive that there is magic in the place, I think they end up doing certain events or certain things here because the artist is sensitive, I say that deep down I have a little bit of that in mine, they perceive it and Some interesting scenes are done effectively for TV shows.

– Interviewer: Martha Higareda was here that is a great Hollywood actress.

– Jesus: Yes. I was fortunate that he was here, he was attended by a guide.

– Interviewer: Jesus as you invite people to come, to visit you even if they are anywhere in the world. Where are they? Where is Boca del Puma?

– Jesus: We are in Puerto Morelos, it is a port that is between Cancun and Playa del Carmen, on the Ruta de los Cenotes in KM 16.5, and if you want to check information on the internet we have the website www.bocadelpuma.com

If they are adventurers like us they come in their car, they arrive in Puerto Morelos, in 10 minutes they are already inside and here they find us.

– Interviewer: 365 days a year, At what time?

– Jesus: Totally, we do not close. It is open every day from 9 a.m. at 5 p.m.

– Interviewer: You also have packages for all kinds of people what they want to do at a very good price.

– Jesus: Totally, that’s the way it is.

– Interviewer: How do you invite people to come visit you in Boca del Puma?

– Jesus: Let’s go to Boca del Puma!

– Interviewer: Thank you Jesus.

– Jesus: Thank you too.

We are back here, if you see us disheveled, we caught a downpour because the weather suddenly changed, it took us about 40 minutes to get on the zip lines because there was going to be an electrical storm that’s why we were with that rain.

I tell you that in this place also if they are going to get married, to celebrate something, they can do the precious ritual, it has a spectacular entrance and then it would be an incredible party, they invite their friends who are in the cenote. Also if they want to do a kind of ritual, not a wedding, a coexistence only with friends is the best place.

We already leave you, we invite you to go, spend it agusto and soon you will have another place that is a farm, cabins to stay and also everything in the jungle.

Publicado el 10-08-2017